What is Acupuncture?
The human body is a dynamic environment of interconnecting and interacting networks. Over thousands of years, TCM mapped out the subtle networks and interrelationships that reveal the human body to be a dynamic cellular ecosystem.The early TCM practitioners discovered acupuncture points along the meridians, which are known as the energy pathways of the human body and are related to internal organ function. Upon stimulating certain points, acupuncture ensures a free flow of vital energy and corrects energetic imbalances or blockages which may be the cause of distress.

By gently inserting the needles in some acupuncture points, a TCM doctor makes a cascade of positive changes occur in the body, such as

*       Elimination or reduction of pain

*       Relaxation

*       Detoxification

*       Improvement of blood circulation

*       Balance of immunity

*       Balance of the endocrine system

*       Balance of metabolism

*       Improvement of overall functions

*       Increase of energy and vitality

Modern science explains the functions of acupuncture as following: Needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nerve system to release chemicals in the muscles, the spinal cord, and the brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones in order to influence the body's own internal regulating system. For example, during an acupuncture treatment, the computer image of the brain shows dynamic activities occur in many regions and structures in the brain. Researchers have confirmed that stimulating an acupuncture point causes the production of endorphins and simultaneously activates the immune and the endocrine systems.

Depending on the needling methods used, acupuncture can be divided into traditional body acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, hand acupuncture and electro-acupuncture etc.